Wednesday, February 29, 2012

My how 3 years flies!!

Can Kyra really be 3 years old?  Yes, yes she is.  Time has flown!  I took Kyra last weekend to Party City to pick out what kind of party she wanted to have.  After a long debate between Barbie and a girlie lipstick, high heal ish kind of theme, she chose Barbie.  Luckily, I have a fabulously talented mother in law who can make amazing cakes.  She made a stand up Barbie cake for Kyra, along with some cupcakes.  I also made a pie and some homemade chocolate syrup for our ice cream.  We got together Friday night with the Leman clan to celebrate and with my family Saturday night.  We had a good time filled with generous gifts, treats, and a pinata.  Thank  you to everyonen who came to help us celebrate.  Here are some of my favorite shots from our little princess.
Kyra with her cake


Ready to open gifts

Ryder helping Kyra lick off the icing

The boys relaxing after the party

Pinata time

Striking a pose

Monday, February 20, 2012

Ryder's 6 months and Kyra's 3 years pictures

I have been having all kinds of problems trying to get these pictures to appear in the right way so I am just attaching this link to the kids' pictures.  I haven't posted anything in forever!!  We've been super busy, but we should have some more updates after this weekend.  Enjoy the pics!